
发布时间 :2023年09月29日

法国时间9月20日,PSL·巴黎九大Executive DBA中国项目2023年度毕业典礼在法国母校隆重举行。时隔三年疫情,再度在法国重启毕业典礼,11位博士毕业生代表,在教授和全球课堂同行同学及亲友的见证下,拨穗正冠,顺利毕业。(云程发轫 踵事增华 | PSL·巴黎九大Executive DBA2023年度法国毕业典礼隆重举行






我是PSL·巴黎九大Executive DBA2018级的崔宏禹,我的导师是清华大学范玉顺教授和PSL·巴黎九大的Horacio教授。非常荣幸,我在今年7月份以最高荣誉通过了博士论文答辩,在我知天命的时节,获得了人生中一个重要的学术上的收获。(登顶博士 | 祝贺崔宏禹同学顺利通过博士论文答辩


在中国,知天命是指年纪过了50岁,出自孔子的《论语·为政篇》,意思是到了50岁以后就懂得天命,就知道了实现理想的艰难,做事情往往从实际出发,但也更注重严谨的过程,从而往往能真正的学有所成。这正如我们在加入PSL·巴黎九大Executive DBA课程的求学路程一样,秉承“成就企业思想家”的理想,不断的自加压力,潜心求学,用科学的手段探索身边企业的发展真谛,从而收获“修成正果”的喜悦






我们处于一个剧烈变化的时代,未来的不确定性越来越明显,但正如管理学大师彼得·德鲁克 Peter F. Drucker 所说:“动荡时代的最大风险不是动荡本身,而是企图以昨天的逻辑来应对动荡(The greatest danger in times of turbulence is not the turbulence; it is to act with yesterday’s logic.”)因此,我也相信我们所有的PSL·巴黎九大的同学们,在融合西方古典哲学与现代管理学精髓的基础上,以积极进取的态度和“成长性思维”拥抱变化,收获灿烂的明天







Dear leaders, professors, teachers, and fellow students of the University Paris Dauphine,


Good evening to everyone!


I am Cui Hongyu from the EDBA class of 2018. My advisors are Professor Fan Yushun from Tsinghua University and Professor Horacio from the University Paris Dauphine. I am greatly honored to stand here today and share with you an important academic achievement in my life of “知天命“(at the age of 50; one knows the mandate of Heaven) after I successfully defended my doctoral thesis with the highest honors In July of this year.


In China, there is a saying "知天命" which means understanding one's destiny and is attributed to Confucius in the Analects. It suggests that once a person reaches the age of 50, they come to understand their life's purpose and realize the challenges of achieving their ideals. They tend to approach tasks pragmatically and emphasize a rigorous process, which often leading to significant accomplishments. This journey parallels our pursuit of education in the EDBA program at the University Paris Dauphine. We have embraced the ideal of becoming corporate thinkers, constantly challenging ourselves, dedicating ourselves to learning, and using scientific methods to explore the true essence of corporate development around us, ultimately reaping the joy of success.


I have been incredibly fortunate in this challenging journey to receive dedicated education and guidance from professors both in France and China. This has allowed me to gain profound knowledge, cultivate a rigorous academic approach, and develop intelligent and open-minded thinking. I have also experienced the romantic spirit of "writing a thesis is an art" from France. Therefore, I would like to sincerely express my gratitude to all the teachers and the universities.


I would also like to take this opportunity to thank my family, colleagues, and friends who are thousands of miles away. They have provided me with help, encouragement, and support from various perspectives throughout my academic journey.


We are living in a time of profound change, and the uncertainties of the future are becoming increasingly evident. However, as the management guru Peter F. Drucker once said, "The greatest danger in times of turbulence is not the turbulence; it is to act with yesterday’s logic." Therefore, I believe that all of our fellow students at the University Paris Dauphine will embrace change with a proactive attitude and growth mindset , combining the essence of Western classical philosophy with modern management, and ultimately achieve a brilliant future.


At last, I wish the University Paris Dauphine continued success and that all fellow students achieve their goal of becoming corporate thinkers. Thank you!

上一篇: 极飞科技联合创始人龚槚钦博士:博士之旅是一次共同的试炼 下一篇: 2020级梁武星:兼收并蓄 博采众长 走出中国自己的企业管理之路